Monday, March 16, 2009

The Wings are pretty good at hockey

Watching the Wings game against Columbus, the announcers told me several times that with a point from that game, they'd top 100 points. Cool, I thought, it's a nice number. But then the talking heads went on to say that if/when they reach 100 points they will be the first in the history of the league to have 9 straight 100 point seasons. Even better. Wings also clinched a playoff spot (which seemed to be a foregone conclusion since oh about December).

Keep your eyes open for a new feature in these parts that Chica and I were tossing about last night. To give you a tease, I'll just say this:
Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes
Silver white winters that melt into springs
These are a few of my favorite things

Now try to get that song out of your head :)

1 comment:

TheNWChica said...

Dear RedWings...

Give someone else a turn! Oh, and Cap'n Nicky I love you!

Love, Me :D