Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Stanley hangover

I've spent the last two days scanning the interweb for information and photos of the Penguins celebrations (Sunday at the ball park, the parade yesterday) with an odd feeling of glee and jealously. It was the Wings last year and time moves on to another team to be on top. I'm honestly ok with that and I think I have a stronger tie to a lot of the Penguin players watching them so much this year (and nice new tattoo Duper!). Over all, I've enjoyed it. But now I'm ready for camp to start anew and to see all 30 teams take the ice on with a fair shot at a parade of their own (I'm looking at you Buffalo).

But first! We have some unfinished business to take care of: NHL awards are Thursday, the Draft is next weekend, July 1st brings free agency, and lest we forget the ongoing saga of the Phoenix Coyotes (which really must suck for their fans). Much to do in the up coming days before we can really enjoy the summer and put our toes in the sand and bid 2008-2009 NHL season a farewell. Keep your eyes peeled for Chuck A Pucks take on all of it.

Tomorrow: Men in tuxes! Uh, I mean the Puckers take on the NHL awards.

Until tomorrow...

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